The Rise of Authoritarianism in the 21st Century 


Though it is not a brand-new idea in human history, authoritarianism is nevertheless important in the twenty-first century. There are several historical, political, and social reasons that have influenced the emergence of authoritarianism in the USA. Authoritarian movements, personalities, and policies have become more prevalent in the US in recent years, endangering the pillars of democracy and human rights.

It is crucial to define authoritarianism first in order to comprehend the current situation in the USA. Strong central control and constrained political freedoms are characteristics of authoritarianism as a political system. It frequently entails the consolidation of power in the hands of a single ruler or ruling elite, who exercise control over all spheres of society, including the courts, the media, and the economy. Although authoritarianism can take many different forms, from military dictatorships to one-party republics, the absence of political opposition and plurality is a common feature.

Slavery and the genocide of Native Americans are just two historical examples of authoritarianism in the USA that can be traced back to its founding. But authoritarianism has recently made a comeback in the shape of far-right parties, anti-democratic policies, and the emergence of strongman dictators. The reasons, traits, and effects of the growth of authoritarianism in the USA in the twenty-first century will be examined in this blog, along with strategies for halting this perilous development.

Authoritarianism theories

Many explanations have been proposed in an effort to explain the growth of authoritarianism in the USA. One idea contends that authoritarianism is a reaction to the widening economic gaps between the rich and the poor. This theory is known as the economic inequality theory. Another idea is the political polarisation theory, which contends that rising political polarisation and the political system’s failure to meet the requirements of the populace are the causes of authoritarianism.

The racial and ethnic divisions theory, which contends that racial and ethnic differences in society are what feed authoritarianism, is the third theory. Last but not least, the thesis of immigration and globalisation contends that authoritarianism is a reaction to the perceived threat of immigration and globalisation. These views can be compared and contrasted based on their explanatory potency, empirical support, and moral implications. Each of these theories gives a distinctive viewpoint on the emergence of authoritarianism in the United States.

American authoritarianism’s root causes

The emergence of authoritarianism in the USA is influenced by a number of variables, such as economic disparity, political polarisation, racial and ethnic differences, immigration, and globalisation. For instance, economic inequality can engender animosity among people who feel left behind by the system, which can result in support for authoritarian leaders who vow to bring back wealth and order. Political polarisation can also encourage authoritarianism since it makes individuals less ready to compromise and more polarised, which undermines democratic institutions and norms.

Similar to this, racial and ethnic divisions can encourage authoritarianism by fostering a sense of “us vs. them,” which authoritarian leaders can use to their advantage. As individuals grow more concerned about the loss of jobs and cultural identity, immigration and globalisation may also have a role. To effectively combat this risky trend and advance democratic principles and institutions, it is crucial to understand these sources of authoritarianism in the USA.

American authoritarianism’s characteristics

There are some specific characteristics that characterise the growth of authoritarianism in the United States that are shared by various contexts and regimes. The concentration of power in the hands of a single leader or ruling class, frequently at the expense of democratic institutions and values, is one of the main hallmarks of authoritarianism. A cult of personality that strives to elevate the leader to a near-divine position and stifle dissent can perpetuate this concentration of power.

The repression of dissent, which can take many different forms, such as censorship, monitoring, and violence, is another defining feature of authoritarianism. Last but not least, authoritarian governments often employ propaganda and media control in an effort to stifle information and sway public opinion in their favour. These authoritarian tendencies in the USA are alarming and necessitate a vigorous defence of democratic institutions and principles.

USA instances of authoritarianism

In recent years, the USA has witnessed multiple instances of authoritarianism, including Donald Trump’s presidency and his activities while in office. Trump frequently showed a contempt for democratic values and institutions and worked to discredit the independence of the media, the courts, and the electoral process. Another instance of authoritarianism in action was the Capitol Hill riot on January 6, 2021, which aimed to nullify the results of a free and fair election.

Additionally, a worrying trend that imperils democracy’s foundations are voter suppression legislation and initiatives to limit access to the polls. Another alarming manifestation of authoritarianism is the emergence of far-right militias and their contribution to fostering fear and polarisation in society. These instances of authoritarianism in the USA demonstrate the necessity of ongoing awareness and effort to safeguard democratic institutions and principles.

Authoritarianism’s effects in the USA

In the USA, authoritarianism has serious, long-lasting effects that affect both the present and the future. The degradation of democratic institutions and ideals, which are crucial for safeguarding human rights and promoting a just and equitable society, is one of the most important effects. Human rights and civil liberties are also at risk from authoritarianism because of the way that these dictators frequently use violence to repress dissent and resistance.

Additionally, the social unrest and economic instability that can follow from authoritarianism can have a significant impact on both people and society as a whole. Authoritarian governments may put their own priorities ahead of the needs of the populace, resulting in inequality and economic stagnation. Social unrest can also develop as a result of people’s growing disillusionment with the system and want to voice it through protest and other forms of resistance. These results demonstrate how critical it is to protect democratic institutions and principles from dictatorship.


In conclusion, the emergence of authoritarianism in the USA is a worrying development that puts our society’s foundational democratic institutions and principles at jeopardy. Authoritarianism can take many various forms, from the concentration of power to the repression of dissent, and it can have severe repercussions on both people and society as a whole. Authoritarianism may have a number of negative effects, including the destruction of democratic institutions and principles, dangers to human rights and civil liberties, and social unrest and economic instability.

It is crucial to identify the underlying reasons of authoritarianism and attempt to overcome them if you want to combat it. This may entail advancing economic equality, encouraging a climate of understanding and cooperation, and countering divisive language and behaviour. The defence of democratic institutions and principles, such as a free press, an independent judiciary, and fair elections, is equally vital.

In the end, society as a whole must make a consistent and coordinated effort to combat authoritarianism. We can work towards a better future for the USA, one that supports the ideals of freedom, justice, and equality for everyone by being watchful, speaking out against injustice, and actively participating in democratic processes.


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